Legendary veteran Ghanaian actor, Prince Yawson better known as ‘Waakye’ has died. The Veteran Ghanaian actor, died on Tuesday, August 2, 2022, at the 37 Military Hospital in Accra.
Ever since the news of his death was announced, many have wondered about the actual sickness the legendary actor died of.
The late ace actor cum scriptwriter according to Hotfmghana.com’s checks from the 37 Military Hospital died of a Mild Stroke. A mild stroke is known as a transient ischemic attack or TIA. When someone is having a mild stroke, their physical symptoms usually disappear within a few minutes.
However, even in the instance of a mild stroke, the brain sustains some damage. Signs of a mild stroke include Blurred vision.
Sadly, the road to the legendary actor’s death began in March 2017. In March 2017, ‘Waakye’ in an interview with well-versed entertainment Journalist, Reagan Mends of RazzOnline.com – now RazzNews.com, revealed that he was rushed to the Trust Hospital in Osu by a coconut seller in what is suspected to be a mild stroke on Friday, March 3, but was later referred to the 37 Military Hospital.
Speaking to Reagan Mends via telephone about his health condition, the late actor who was then responding to treatment accentuated with much humour that doctors have advised him to stay away from sex:
“I’m currently doing well and I have been discharged from the 37 Military Hospital…but hahahaha…the doctor has advised me to abstain from sex and any form of hard work”, the late ‘Waakye’ said with much humour .
The veteran actor revealed extensively that,” I now spend over Ghc 800 on medication every week and this is extremely difficult for me to bear”.
But he was quick to add that, God was his helper- so he was looking up to God for support. After recuperating from the ailment, ‘Waakye’ attended a Bible school in Accra for his new religious role after he officially bowed out of the movie industry.
The ailment resurfaced on Sunday, July 31, 2022 while at home with his family. According to sources, he collapsed,” his tongue was coming out from his mouth then we rushed him to the 37 Military Hospital…When they got there, there was no bed so it delayed his treatment a bit…Fortunately, one of the actors who worked with him from the ‘Obra’ drama group days who now works at the 37 Hospital got him a bed “.The source told Hotfmghana.com
He was then diagnosed with a Mild Stroke by doctors and died on Tuesday, August 2, around 4 pm. ‘Waakye’, who hails from Winneba, shot into fame during the popular TV Drama series “Obra”.
He later starred in movies like Ogboo and Man Woman. He has also featured in most of Harry Laud’s productions and series like the Jagger Pee series and the Living Arts Show. As a director and scriptwriter, the legendary Waakye was a divorcee with two children.