Residents of Nafeba, a farming community in the Krachi Nchumuru District of the Oti Region, fear their children might miss out on education due to inadequate classroom infrastructure.
The makeshift structure currently used for lessons is in poor condition, and impending rains could further hinder effective teaching and learning.
During a visit to Nafeba D/A KG and Primary School, it was evident that pupils were distracted by nearby activities.
In a heartfelt video, students are seen passionately pleading with the current government for better infrastructure.
Their sincere requests highlight the pressing need for improved facilities to enhance their educational environment.
Their determination to be heard and their collective voice serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of investing in education and infrastructure to foster growth and opportunity.
This lack of infrastructure undermines efforts to ensure basic education for all children by 2030, as mandated by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Watch the video below: